Biotechnology department
Understanding of fundamental biological principles, the prevention of human diseases, and the mass production of several beneficial biological compounds are attributed to advances in biological industries. Accordingly, biotechnology department at CHA university was established to cultivate human resources who specialize in scientific research and development and work at the forefront of several biology-related industries (medical pharmacy, biological materials, medical device, functional materials, cosmetics, nanomedicine). Professors at CHA universities have conducted a series of independent and collaborative research, and have applied the biological findings to biological industry.
Biotechnology department is the first specialized department at the university in nation to integrate basic and advanced sciences and will be the education center for professional biological experts.
Education for industrial use of biological principles
Biotechnology department educates students about fundamental aspects of living systems and always focuses on maximizing industrial application of biological knowledge.
With the aim of applying the biological findings to biology industries, several educational programs were established including medical pharmacy, molecular biology, biochemistry etc. to provide useful insights into biological engineering. The diverse and practical courses with professional training enable students to be biological experts responsible for biomedical research and novel biology-related industry.
Network between industry-university-research and student guidance system
We have made every effort to cultivate global human resources by establishing the network between industry-university-research and developing International Student Exchange Programs. Also, one advisor professor helps three or four students in each grade to fully implement “well rounded” education.
Career after graduation
After completing advanced education and having diverse practical experiences in many research institutes or industries, the graduates have an advantage of choosing the right career when applying for biology-related jobs. The following are potential careers to choose from.
-Biology industry: medical pharmacy, biomaterial, medical device, cosmetics, nanomedice, production management, quality control, research and development at research institutes or bio-companies
-National Research or science institute: researcher or public officer
– Biology-based experts: patent attorney, prosecutor, journalist, loan officer for Startup Company
– Graduate schools: general graduate schools, medical/dental graduate schools, pharmacy schools